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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.102, No. 4)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 50-67

Keywords : coaching; competency; coach; coach’s level; coaching results; coaching models.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Background. Innovative professional development tools diverse in content and nature are becoming of special importance and popularity in the modern practice of domestic enterprises, including the growing importance of coaching that combines applicatied personnel management and Psychology management. Analysis of recent research and publications showed that not all important aspects of coaching have been reflected in the writings of scholars, and important scientific and practical problem - models for its use and effectiveness of implementation in practice of domestic enterprises remains unsolved. The aim of the article is a theoretical study of the nature and importance of the use of coaching in managing staff development and its impact on improving the socio-economic efficiency of enterprises. Materials and methods. The study used the following research methods: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, systematic approach and synthesis. Results. Thorough analysis of the nature and genesis of the concept of "coaching" in the formation and development of methods of professional development was carried out. Its components were justified from various scientific positions are the author's view of its importance from the standpoint used as instruments of personnel was provided. According with the results of the study the functions of coaching and mentoring were analyzed and compared with mentoring because many researchers and practitioners identify them. Effects of coaching on business and the importance of the role of coaches to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of professional development and improving competitiveness were formed. The study shows the main coaching models that can be applied by domestic enterprises. A portrait of Ukrainian coach was formed, and a list of benefits that the company can get through the introduction of tools was formulated. Conclusion. The essence of the concepts "coaching" and "mentoring" was specified, the concepts of "business coaching", "coach", "coachee" were defined, reasons and criteria for selecting coaches by domestic business and the prospects and possibilities of its application were analysed. Research of coaching in Ukrainian reality was the reason for justicication of the appeal of businessmen, managers, entrepreneurs to the services of coaches and characteristics of a portrait of Ukrainian coach. In the article of models of coaching, their elements and practical value in the practice of modern domestic enterprises were analysed. The conceptual provisions require further research towards sectoral focus of the needs to use tools of coaching in domestic practice and its correlation with other methods of professional development.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 21:05:19