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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.103, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 27-38

Keywords : marketing; efficiency; effectiveness; indexes of sufficiency and effectiveness; strategic marketing.;

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Background. Unstable economic situation in the country has negative influence on trade enterprises' activity and as a result causes the necessity to analyze the effectiveness of marketing decisions on trade enterprises regularly. Such analysis helps responsible executives of the company to find correct managerial marketing solutions and gives opportunity to have better economic results in future. The aim of the article is the attempt to systematize the characteristics and determine the stage of evaluating the effectiveness of marketing activities to control the implementation of marketing strategies in trade enterprises. Materials and methods. Domestic and foreign literature on marketing and specialized scientific periodicals were studied, statistic data of research companies was researched. The following methods of scientific research were used while working with information: analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction. Results. The classification of indexes to evaluate the effectiveness of strategic marketing was developed on the basis of various scientific approaches to the concept of "efficiency" and the author's own opinion. As the classifications elements were chosen: the degree of mathematical formalization, activity aspects and areas of strategic marketing, estimated parameters, environment assessment and relation to other indicators. The evaluation of effectiveness of trade enterprises' marketing activity was proposed to consider as a process that consists of the following stages: forming a set of indexes for evaluation, analysis of the current economic situation in the company, by a formed set of indexes, determining the predicted values of indexes based on strategic marketing objectives of enterprise, evaluating efficiency in the process of implementing marketing strategy, final evaluation. Conclusion. Thus, evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing activity of trade enterprises is a process that helps to determine the relationship between results and the factors that led to these results and makes it possible to correct the strategic decisions according to market needs.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 21:18:55