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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.90, No. 4)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 101-108

Keywords : philosophy of education; theoretical model of education; logic of education; paradoxes of logic of education.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Background. The proposed research is devoted to the pressing problem of the logic of formation of a system of higher education in Ukraine. Consideration of this philosophical problem is through the prism of modern methodological approaches of the philosophy of education and philosophy and methodology of science. Review of scientific sources, which deals with the process of formation of the higher education in our country shows the lack of attention of scientists to the issue of logic of the process that formed main purpose of the research. Results. The paper provided an analysis of the main theoretical models of higher education in Ukraine and the paradoxes of logic of education to which leads the use of a particular model. It is noted that the logic of the formation of the human person is determined by both internal and external factors. Set of reasons which the logic of the educational process depends on lies in the culture of Ukrainian society. The principal uncertainty of educational system lies in its concrete historical character and its person concentration ? based on formation logic, content and form of existence of the dominant theories in society. Conclusions. In the study conducted the author focuses on the importance of solving the problem of formation of modern philosophy and logic of education in our country. Meeting this challenge will allow Ukraine to choose the optimal model of the educational process, which should ensure its harmonious joining the world civilization space and systematic internal transformation of education sector.

Last modified: 2016-10-27 19:59:38