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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.91, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 70-83

Keywords : self-designing; adolescence; life experience; temporality; time direction; time orientation.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Background. Modern sociocultural discursive space has caused a number of changes in personal development. The exploration of manifestations of the personal development through his temporal characteristics throws light on self-designing features of a person. The review of scientific sources shows that in recent years there has been accumulated quite a lot of material that shows that personal activity is predermined by the model of his ideas about his own future life. The attitude to the future is always formed on the base of understanding and person's interpretation of his life experience. For the experience of the postmodern period the collapse of temporality is a characteristic occurrence, that at the moment still hasn't been investigated at the level of the individual's experience. Clarification of the temporal characteristics of the modern student's experience is the basic aim of the nominated research. The results of research. As a result of research there has been found out that the age temporal characteristics of life experience and the individual possibilities of its understanding and interpretation in the space and time determinants condition self-designing features of a person in his adolescence. The central aspect of the work is the simultaneous separation of correlation between temporal direction and temporal orientation of a person and their ascertainment. The temporal direction indicates the direction of aspirations, person's focuses on some periods of his life. The temporal orientation is one of the deepest characteristics of a person and the main factor for "determination" of his own schematization criteria and life experience condensation. It has been confirmed by the conducted research that adolescence is directed to prospect, though the future in this age isn't clearly outlined. On the base of extra analysis there have been determined the types of personal orientations in adolescence according to the temporal perspective. There has been ascertained that the temporal characteristics of a personal life is mostly unrealized by a man but determines the direction and limits of his self-designing. Conclusions. The conducted research throws light on the applying problem of the personal growth in adolescence and stimulates the further studying of self-designing features of a person in the modern social and individual discursive fields.

Last modified: 2016-10-27 20:34:33