Archived Papers for Proceeding
The International Conference on Computing Technology and Information Management (ICCTIM)
Publisher: The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC)
Editors: Dr. Mohammad V. Malakooti
ISBN: 978-0-9891305-5-4
Date: 2014-04-09 - 2014-04-11
Conference Venue:
Dubai, UAE - United Arab Emirates
Proceeding URL:
- MUSYOP: Towards a Query Optimization for Heterogeneous Distributed Database System in Energy Data ManagementAuthors: Zhan Liu; Fabian Cretton; Anne Le Calvé; Nicole Glassey; Alexandre Cotting;Fabrice Chapuis
- Automatic Bank Fraud Detection Using Support Vector MachinesAuthors: Djeffal Abdelhamid; Soltani Khaoula;Ouassaf Atika
- Data Processing System Improvement in New Student Admission Selection of State Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia Using Information Technology ApproachAuthors: Linda Salma Angreani
- The Impact of KMS Success on Corporate Productivity: A Case Study at an IT Services CompanyAuthors: Annas Vijaya
- Jordan's New Oil Sector: The Cyber Age of Hydrocarbon SecurityAuthors: Nicolai Due-Gundersen
- On the Memory Artifacts of the Tor Browser BundleAuthors: Atta Al-Khaleel;Duaa Bani-Salameh;Mohammed I. Al-Saleh
- E-learning Multi-Learning Style One Size Can Fit AllAuthors: Hanan Ettaher Dagez
- Learning Analytics as a Method to Examine Students' Learning Patterns in an Online ModuleAuthors: Santally Mohammad Issack;Rajkomar Reena
- Implementing Computer Games in Class - Issues and Recommendations for Improvement: Experimental Study in MalaysiaAuthors: Rubijesmin Abdul Latif
- The Influence of Perceived Characteristics of eGovernment TransactionsAuthors: Ibrahim Abu Nadi; Steve Drew
- From E-Government to M-Government - Challenges Faced by Sub-Saharan AfricaAuthors: Willard Munyoka; Mungofa Francis Manzira
- Comparative Study of Internet Usage in Educational Institutes: The Jordanian Hashemite University as a Case StudyAuthors: Awni Itradat; Majdi Maabreh; Amar Rayyan; Abed Aljawabreh; Muaffaq Imam
- Classification of Object Oriented Metrics by Aivosto ToolAuthors: Younes Abubakir Abedl ssamad
- Development of Staff Management System Using UML-Based Object-Oriented ApproachAuthors: Rosziati Ibrahim; Abdulrahman Ahmed; Ida Aryanie Bahrudin; Abubaker Ali Moftah;Elhadi Elfitory Algarai
- On Applying Design Pattern Approach to Reengineering COBOL ProgramsAuthors: Krassimir Manev;Neli Maneva
- A Collaborative Approach to Software Engineering EducationAuthors: Neli Maneva; Krassimir Manev
- A Methodology for Software Test-Case Selection in Constrained Environments Using Desirability FunctionsAuthors: Abrar Qureshi;Ira Weissberger
- Risk-Based Code Smells Detection ToolAuthors: Walid Abdelmoez; Essam Kosba;Ali Falah Iesa
- Performance Comparison of Scheduling Algorithms for Real-Time Applications over WiMAX NetworksAuthors: Nada M. El-Shennawy;Mahmoud M. Fahmy;Mohamed N. El-Derini; Moustafa A. Yousef
- Coloured Petri Net Model for Vector-Based Forwarding Routing ProtocolAuthors: Dina M. Ibrahim;Elsayed A. Sallam;Tarek E. Eltobely;Mahmoud M. Fahmy
- High Security Number Plate Recognition System with Different Filtering Techniques for Image EnhancementAuthors: Manju Mandot;Reena Gupta;Shiv Singh Sarangdevot
- Image Mosaicing Using Binary Edge DetectionAuthors: Inad Aljarrah;Abdullah Al-Amareen;Abdelrahman Idries;Osama Al-Khaleel
- Enhanced Techniques 3D Integral Images Video Computer GeneratedAuthors: Mahmoud Geat. Eljdid;Amar Aggoun;Osama Youssef
- A Method for Efficiently Previewing Domain-Bound DICOM Images in TeleradiologyAuthors: Simon Gangl;Domen Mongus;Borut Zalik
- New Approaches to Data Classification in DLP SystemsAuthors: Ekaterina Pshehotskaya;Tamara Sokolova;Sergey Ryabov
- The Rotating Calipers: An Efficient, Multipurpose, Computational ToolAuthors: Godfried T. Toussaint
- Machine Learning Techniques: A Tool for Learning and PlanningAuthors: Babatunde Akinbode
- Word Sense Identification Improves the Measurement of Short-Text SimilarityAuthors: Khaled Abdalgader
- Charecterization of the Radiation Pattern of a GPS Antenna Mounted on a Small T-Tail Aircraft in Landing PositionAuthors: Abualkair Alkhateeb;Daniel Aloi
- Knee Kinematic Signals Clustering for the Identifcation of Sagittal and Transverse Gait PatternsAuthors: N. Mezghani;M. Toumi;A. Fuentes;A. Mitiche;N. Hagemeister;J.A. de Guise
- Enhanced Liver Tumor Diagnosis Using Data Mining and Computed Tomography (CT)Authors: Ayman E. Khedr;Awad Khalil;Mohammed A. Osman
- Big Bang-Like Phenomenon in Multidimensional DataAuthors: Marcel Jirina
- Investigating the Suitability of Wireless Web Services to Support Business ProcessesAuthors: Roopesh Kevin Sungkur
- Simulating the Effect of the Sampling Time in Different Discrete Transformations for the First Order System Using MATLAB SoftwareAuthors: Ahmed S. Elgarewi;Mahmoud M. El-Fandi;Muftah E. Almoher
- Survey of Cloud Computing Web Services for Healthcare Information Retrieval SystemsAuthors: Ismail Hmeidi;Maryan Yatim;Ala Ibrahim;Mai Abujazouh
- Determining the Secrecy of Software Encryption System based on pGSSG Generator using Shannon EntropyAuthors: Antoniya Tasheva;Ognyan Nakov;Boyan Petrov
- Compact Miniature Hidden Antennas for Multi Frequency Bands ApplicationsAuthors: Abualkair Alkhateeb;Basim Alkhateeb
- The Influence of Peer-to-Peer Social Networks and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) in MathematicsAuthors: Mohini Mohamed;Wasugi a/p Guandasami
- Usability Challenges to Arabic Mobile Phones Interface in Bilingual EnvironmentAuthors: Baha A. Khasawneh
- Supervised Competition Using Joined Growing Neural GasAuthors: Dusan Fedorcak;Michal Podhoranyi
- Building a Semantic Index from HTML Pages or XML DocumentsAuthors: Abdeslem Dennai;Sdi Mohammed Benslimane
- Biogeography-based Optimization Algorithm for Independent Component AnalysisAuthors: Jehad Ababneh;Jorge Igual
- Collaborative Problem Solving Using Social Network Media: How to Effectively Evaluate Student Performance in Online Study Group?Authors: Abdalla Radwan;Mohamed El-Darieby
- A Light Review of Data Security and Privacy Approaches Applicable to E-Health SystemsAuthors: Ninad Desai;Hamid Shahnasser
- Lung Segmentation of X-Ray Thorax Image Using Geometric Active Contour and Enhancement Spatial Domain FilteringAuthors: Mokhamad Amin Hariyadi
- Detecting Attacks in Wireless Sensor Network Using Genetic AlgorithmsAuthors: Novin Makvandi; Seyyed Mohsen Hashemi;Peiman Haghighat
- Simulation of an RF MEMS Double-Pole Double-Throw Switch Using Novel Seesaw DesignAuthors: Mohammed Al-Amin; Sufian Yousef;Barry Morris
- Microblogging Opinion Mining Approach for Kuwaiti DialectAuthors: Janan Ben Salamah;Aymen Elkhlifi
- Comparative Study on Service-Oriented Architecture and Event-Driven ArchitectureAuthors: Chatri Pienwittayasakul;Yan Liu
- A Robust and Lossless Information Embedding in Image Based on DCT and Scrambling AlgorithmsAuthors: Mohammad V. Malakooti;Mehrzad Khederzadeh
- A Robust Information Security Model for Cloud Computing Based on the Scrambling Algorithm and Multi-Level EncryptionAuthors: Mohammad V. Malakooti;Nilofar Mansourzadeh
- An Efficient Data Aggregation Method in Wireless Sensor Network based on the SVDAuthors: Mohammad V. Malakooti;Mona Noorian
- An Effective Solution for the Service Support of Virtual Banking Using the Key Performance Indices Based on Cobit-5 ArchitectureAuthors: Mohammad V. Malakooti;Seyyed Mohsen Hashemi;Narges Tavakoli
- A Secure SMS Model in E-Commerce Payment using Combined AES and ECC Encryption AlgorithmsAuthors: Abdolghader Pourali
- Designing a New Fuzzy Genetic Gravity Algorithm for Data MiningAuthors: Mostafa Moradi
- The Search for the Criminals using PCA AlgorithmAuthors: Ahmed Mohamed Abushaala;Elham Ali Abobaker
- Cloud Data Management based on Hadoop FrameworkAuthors: Tahani Mahmoud Allam;Hatem M. Abdullkader;Alsayed Abdelhameed Sallam