Archived Papers for Proceeding
The International Conference on Digital Information, Networking, and Wireless Communications (DINWC)
Publisher: Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC)
Editors: Vaclav Snasel
ISBN: 978-0-9891305-6-1
Date: 2014-06-24 - 2014-06-26
Conference Venue:
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Collaborative Design through Campus-based Social Networking SystemAuthors: Msatoshi Imai;Yoshiro Imai
- Determinants of Consumer Acceptance of Mobile Internet: An Empirical StudyAuthors: Saleh Alwahaishi
- SDN-Driven Authentication and Access Control SystemAuthors: Vainius Dangovas;Feliksas Kuliesius
- Secure SIP-based Mobility Management Scheme for Cost-Optimized NEMO EnvironmentsAuthors: Chulhee Cho;Jae-Young Choi;Jun-Dong Cho;and Jongpil Jeong
- The Analysis of G-Sensor by Discrete Cosine Transform for Fall Event on Smart PhoneAuthors: Yung-Gi Wu;Sheng-Lun Tsai
- Approximation Algorithms for a Location-Based Group Gathering Service with Multiple RolesAuthors: Yi Zhu;Kevin Goo;Kevin Goo
- Hardware Realization of Low Complexity Video Encoder within Distributed Video Coding FrameworkAuthors: Xiao Yang;Fei Qiao;Huazhong Yang
- MATLAB Simulation Comparison for Different Adaptive Noise Cancelation AlgorithmsAuthors: Mostafa Guda;Safa Gasser;Mohamed S. El Mahallawy
- Reverse-Engineering of e-Learning Quality Management Themes for the Advancement of Face-to-Face PedagogyAuthors: Mohamed Bettaz1;Isam Al-Fuqaha;Mhamed Mosteghanemi;Mohamed Miloudi
- Exploiting Network Technologies to Support Blended Learning and Collaborative Problem Solving in E-learning SystemAuthors: Melvin A. Ballera;Omer Masoud Salih
- Simulating Routing Protocols Performance Using Ns-Allinone ToolAuthors: Abdelsalam Almarimi;Faraj Abdelaziz;Ibrahim Almerhag
- Combining Cyclic Q Delay and Cell Interleaver for Enhanced Performance DVB-T2 SystemAuthors: Hesham Fahmy;Safa Gasser;Khaled Shehata
- Users' Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Context using Natural Language ProcessingAuthors: Nitish Bhardwaj;Anupam Shukla;Pradip Swarnakar
- Evaluation of WIEN2K Performance on MPICH2 vs. MPICH1Authors: Hadi Khalilieh;Nidal Kafri;Rezek Mohammad
- Lightweight Acoustic Detection of Logging in Wireless Sensor NetworksAuthors: Laszlo Czuni;Peter Zoltan Varga