Archived Papers for Proceeding
The Third International Conference on Computing Technology and Information Management (ICCTIM)
Publisher: The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC)
Editors: Hazel Ann Macanas
ISBN: 978-1-941968-45-1
Date: 2017-12-08 - 2017-12-10
Conference Venue:
Metropolitan College, Thessaloniki, Greece
- C-Learning: Learning on CloudAuthors: Pasquina, Campanella
- Enterprise System Maturity - Past, Present and Future: A Case Study of BotswanaAuthors: Oduronke T., Eyitayo
- FAD Platforms: Proprietary SolutionsAuthors: Pasquina, Campanella
- Mobile Learning: A Case of StudyAuthors: Pasquina, Campanella
- Message Hiding with Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence UtilizationAuthors: Gabriel, Bugár;Juraj, Gazda;Dušan, Levický
- Optimising the Innovation Capacity of Public Research Organisations - An Agent-Based Simulation ApproachAuthors: Davy, van Doren
- Text Classification Using Time Windows Applied to Stock ExchangeAuthors: Pavel, Netolický;Jonáš, Petrovský;František, Darena;Jan, Žižka
- Towards Specification Formalisms for Data Warehousing Requirements Elicitation TechniquesAuthors: Isaac N., Mbala;John A., van der Poll
- Using Dense Subgraphs to Optimize Ego-centric Aggregate Queries in Graph DatabasesAuthors: Ali Ben, Ammar
- A Secure Method for the Global Medical Information in Cloud Storage based on the Encryption and Data EmbeddingAuthors: Soheil, Nezaket;Mohammad V., Malakooti;Navid, Hashemitaba
- Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN): Segmentation and SecurityAuthors: Abbas, Mehdizadeh;Kevin, Suinggi;Mojtaba, Mohammadpoor;Harlina, Harun
- Ontology-Based Data Mining Approach for Judo Technical Tactical AnalysisAuthors: Ivo, La Puma;Fernando Antonio, de Castro Giorno
- Celestial Spectra Classification Based on Support Vector MachineAuthors: Jingchang, Pan;Gaoyu, Jiang;Yude, Bu;Zhenping, Yi;Xin, Tan
- The Agent-Based Model of The Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks with Network Switching MechanismAuthors: Marcel, Volosin;Jana, Zausinova