Archived Papers for Proceeding
Second International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer Engineering and their Applications (EECEA2015)
Publisher: The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC)
Editors: Lorena Ilagan
ISBN: 978-1-9491968-07-9
Date: 2015-02-12 - 2015-02-14
Conference Venue:
Manila, Philippines
- Enhanced SHA-1 on Parsing Method and Message Digest FormulaAuthors: Christine Charmaine G. San Jose;Bobby D. Gerardo;Bartolome T. Bartolome T.
- Grading of Carabao Mango Using Image ProcessingAuthors: Lorena C. Ilagan;Jerry V. Turingan;Alexiel K. Aranas;Emmanuelle D. Ignacio;Elbert C. Rasay
- Hardware Architecture of FAST Algorithm for Feature Point DetectionAuthors: Chang-Sue Seo;Hoon-Ju Chung;Sung-Young Kim;Sangook Moon;Yong-Hwan Lee
- A Small Area 5GHz LC VCO with an On-Chip Solenoid Inductor using a 0.13 μm Digital CMOS TechnologyAuthors: Chul Nam;Byeungleul Lee;Tae-Young Byun;Yongjun Jon;Bonghwan Kim
- Comparative Performance Analysis and Evaluation for One Selected Behavioral Learning System Versus an Ant Colony Optimization SystemAuthors: Hassan M. H. Mustafa;Saeed A. Al-Ghamdi;Nada M. Al-Shenawy
- Monte Carlo Simulations: A Case Study of Systemic Risk ModellingAuthors: Petr Teplý;Tomáš Klinger
- The Effect of Design Parameter for Window Wiper System under Arctic ConditionsAuthors: Rock-Won Jeon;Si-Pom Kim;Do-Gyum Lee;Jae-Hoon Lee
- Boosting Database Batch workloads using Flash Memory SSDsAuthors: Won-Gill Oh;Sang-Won Lee
- An Evaluation of Integrated Dynamic Learning Environment (IDLE) at College of Saint John Paul II Arts and Sciences on ISO-9126Authors: Marmelo V. Abante;Lorena W. Rabago;Bartolome T. Tanguilig III
- Modified AES Algorithm Using Multiple S-BoxesAuthors: Felicisimo V. Wenceslao Jr.;Bobby D. Gerardo;Bartolome T. Tanguilig III
- Performance Evaluation of Local Gabor Wavelet-based Disparity Map ComputationAuthors: Manas Kamal Bhuyan;Malathi T
- Test Anxiety Detection by Monitoring Changes in Skin Temperature and Pulse rate with Data Logging CapabilityAuthors: Abdul Hadi H. Nograles;James Philip Ray V. Pinggolio;Patricia O. Basilio;Daniel G. Cahagna-An;Juan Ramon Michael C. Cabrera;Rayjhan D. Latoza
- A Social Context for Adolescent Use of Mobile PhonesAuthors: J-F; Darren Pullen;Swabey K.;Yang Yang
- Prolongation of Network Lifetime with Centralized Clustering Scheme Considering Residual Energy of Wireless Sensor NodeAuthors: Tae-Young Byun;Bong-Hwan Kim;Yongjun Jon
- Connectivity Issues on IoT Business - The Korean Case of Smart Home NetworkAuthors: Ji Yeon Cho;Hye Sun Lee;Bong Gyou Lee
- Implementation of Digital Radio for Improved Synchronization using FPGA-based PlatformAuthors: HongSun An;Jaehong Kim;Bongseop Song
- LTE D2D - Challenges and Perspective of Mobile OperatorsAuthors: Taisiya Kim;Soo Kyung Park;Bong Gyou Lee
- Performance Analysis of Cross Component Carrier Scheduling in LTE Small Cell Access Point SystemAuthors: Sangchul Oh;JeeHyeon Na;Dongseung Kwon
- Novel Wireless Lighting-Control System with a Wireless DMX Link for Largescale Light ShowsAuthors: Eun Ho Kim
- A Study on Motion-Based UI for Running Games with KinectAuthors: Jimin Kim;Pyeong Oh;Hanho Lee;Sun-Jeong Kim
- Evolution of Multimodulus Algorithm Blind Equalization based on Recursive Least Square AlgorithmAuthors: Sardar Ameer Akram Khan;Shahzad Amin Sheikh
- Simple Heuristics for the Choquet Integral ClassifierAuthors: Ken Adams
- Study on the Optimal Design of AMP Body FrameAuthors: Yoon Gi-Ho;Yeom Kyung-Won;Kim Soo-Yong;Lee Hae-Soo;Lim Kyung-Hee