Archived Papers for Proceeding
13th International Academic Conference (IAC)
Publisher: International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Editors: Jiri Rotschedl; Klara Čermáková
ISBN: 978-80-87927-05-2
Date: 2014-09-15 - 2014-09-18
Conference Venue:
Antibes, France
Proceeding URL:
- Effect of Current Residency Regions across Socio-Economic and Demographic Factors on Current Subjective Financial Situation in Egyptian PopulationAuthors: Abdel-Karim Amany Hassan
- The Political, Moral, Intellectual and Revolutionary Authority of Africa in Malcolm X's Life and ThoughtAuthors: Adeleke Tunde
- Criminal Law and Cultural Variables: Reflection of Some Cultural Features of the Individual who Migrated from Turkey to Germany Towards German Criminal Law ApplicationsAuthors: Aksan Murat
- A Study on the Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Academic Staff in Higher Education InstitutionAuthors: Al Hinai Ziyana;Bajracharya Dr. Arun
- Do Leverage and Ownership Concentration influence Firms’ Value? A Study of Jordanian Listed FirmsAuthors: Al-Najjar Dana
- Is Barrier version of Merton model more realistic? Evidence from EuropeAuthors: Andrlikova Petra
- Exploring Hotel Employees’ Individual and Work-Related Outcomes from the aspect of Customer Online Reviews: A Qualitative ApproachAuthors: Basoda Alaattin
- Should a skeptical portfolio insurer use an optimal or a risk-based multiplier?Authors: Bonelli Maxime;Mantilla-Garcia Daniel
- Replacing Printed Course Materials with Electronic Copies in an Open UniversityAuthors: Borromeo Ria Mae
- State of Exception, Human Rights and the Exclusion Required by Neoliberal Societies: how Rome Statute protect victims of economy.Authors: Bussmann Ferreira Gustavo
- Balanced Scorecard Application on Tourism BusinessAuthors: Celiloglu Fatma Kubra;Sagir Mehmet
- Evaluation of Activities Related to Beautify, Maintenance and Repair of School and Its Environment within the Scope of Community Service Implementations*Authors: Çubukçu Zühal;Dönmez Ayşe;Aydoğdu-Özoğlu Elif;Akın-Demircan Zeynep
- University Image AuditAuthors: Druteikiene Greta
- The Necessity and Functionality of Information Management Safety: A Case Analysis in Turkey PerspectiveAuthors: Eroglu Hacer Tugba;Sagir Hayriye;
- Social Cohesion and Cultural Dialogue in the Context of Multi-CulturalismAuthors: Eroğlu Susran Erkan
- A Research of Various Work Variables on Pharmacists Operating in Service Industry: the Province of Erzurum SampleAuthors: Guzel Dilsad
- Exploring the role of Social Media Systems on Knowledge Management for SMEsAuthors: Hou Jiachen
- The importance of social networks’ weak ties in business developmentAuthors: Ioanid Alexandra;Svasta Mihai;Hermel-Stanescu Maria
- Are the conditions of statehood sufficient? An argument in favour of popular sovereignty as an additional requirement for statehood, on the grounds of justice as a moral foundation of international lawAuthors: Ioannidis Christoforos
- Destructive Leadership, Psychological Capital and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A structural Equation ModellingAuthors: Isci Sabiha;Karadağ Engin
- Renewable Energy Sources and their Reflection on Regional Economic Growth in the Czech republicAuthors: Janković Vukica;Mitwallyova Helena
- Empirical Study on the Relationship Between Technological Convergence and Industry Convergence in KoreaAuthors: Jin Young-Hyun;Bae Yong-Gook;Kang Jihee;Park Jeong Il;Jeong Sangki
- “What is education for? Or does it matter what it is for? Exploring the meaning of education for refugee girls in Dadaab Refugee camp secondary schools.Authors: Kalisha Wills
- Antecedents of Knowledge Sharing among Service EmployeesAuthors: Karabey Canan Nur
- Agent-Based E-Commerce and its Contribution to EconomyAuthors: Karabey Isil;Adar Ugur Guven
- Participates’ Reflection in an Internship Program Barriers in Estonian UniversitiesAuthors: Kaseorg Merike
- The Impact of Migration on Lithuanian Economy in an Ageing Society ContextAuthors: Kasnauskiene Gindra;Vebraite Loreta
- Social Determinants of HIV: A study of Women in KeralaAuthors: Khandelwal Vaibhav
- Investigating Three Factors of Influence on Sustainable Job Creation in the Small Business Sector in South AfricaAuthors: Kieviet Suzanne
- The Use of Social Media as a Means of Political Communication: Comparision of AKP and CHP’s Facebook Comments in the Local Elections of 30 March 2014Authors: Kılıçaslan Emine;Bozkurt Hale
- Perspective and Challenges for Commercializing Nano-Technology in KoreaAuthors: Kim Sukpil;Kim Donghyun
- GRI and other environmental reporting guidelines in South Africa: Getting the job done?Authors: Kitsikopoulos Claudia;Schwaibold Dr. Ute;Taylor Douglas
- The Content of health News and Programs in Television in TurkeyAuthors: Kocak Abdullah
- Consumer Innovativeness in Purchase of Hi-Tech Home Appliances and the Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in Electronics Market - A Field Study from Eskisehir , TurkeyAuthors: Koparal Celil;Calik Nuri
- Examining the Liaison between Marketing Communication and Open Innovation, in the Scope of the Hungarian Innovation ClustersAuthors: Kovács István
- An Analysis of BitcoinAuthors: Kubat Max
- The Impact of Large Enterprises on the Economy of the Czech Republic and the Threat of Relocation Tendencies. A Case study of Skoda Auto CompanyAuthors: Kubatova Tatana
- The scope of administrative jurisdiction of the courts in France and its differences compared to AlbaniaAuthors: Kullolli Brunela;Kullolli Madrid
- Classroom practice in schools achieving high results at national tests in NorwayAuthors: Lyngsnes Kitt
- Meta-instrument and Natural User Interface: a New Paradigm in Music EducationAuthors: Malcangi Mario;Ludovico Andrea Luca
- SmartWeather: a Multidisciplinary Project for Scientific and Technical High SchoolsAuthors: Malcangi Mario
- Appearance of entrepreneurial values and strategic orientations in the basic values*Authors: Málovics Éva;Farkas Gergely;Vajda Beáta
- SACUNOMICS: The Impact of Trade Liberalisation on the South African EconomyAuthors: Manwa Farai
- Renewing Society, Business and Competences for the Future in Sustainable WayAuthors: Meristö Tarja;Laitinen Jukka
- Osteosynthesis for Surgical Management of Fractures - An E-learning Approach to Education and Training in BiomechanicsAuthors: Molchovski Petar;Tokmakova Keti;Tokmakova Mariya
- A Possible OTOP Project for Poverty Reduction: the experience of lower northern region in ThailandAuthors: Mukhjang Ratchanee
- Music in Mission: Exploring Outcomes of a Community Music-Service Learning ProjectAuthors: Najera Maria Sherla
- An Assessment of Access to Financial Management Services by Small, Medium, and Micro Enterprises in Thohoyandou Business CentreAuthors: Ndou Muhali
- Flipping from Flipped Classroom to Multimodal Mobile Learning (MML)Authors: Nerguizian Vahé;Mhiri Radhi;Mounier Catherine;Lemieux Daniel;Dahmane Adel Omar
- The influence of corporate board on forming firm-specific assets: Evidence from JapanAuthors: Nishi Takahiro
- Prioritizing strategic business units in the face of innovation performance: Combining fuzzy AHP and BSCAuthors: Noori Behrooz
- Higher Education and Sustainable DevelopmentAuthors: Okpanachi Elijah;Akoh Israel;Ocheni Mercy
- An Alternative Method of Component Aggregation for Computing Multidimensional Well-Being IndicatorsAuthors: Otoiu Adrian;Titan Emilia
- A Study on the Strategy for Domestic Space Industry ActivationAuthors: Park Hangil;Song Hwayeon;Shim Jingyung;Seo Jane
- Regulating of Reimbursement Prices of Drugs in the Slovak RepublicAuthors: Pechová - Nováková Michaela
- Education as a key factor for the development of social entrepreneurshipAuthors: Pongrácz Eva
- Public and police officers’ views towards Thailand’s Border Patrol Police.Authors: Poothakool Krisanaphong
- Waste Reclaiming in Ekurhuleni : a case study of Holomisa and Villa Lisa informal settlements in South AfricaAuthors: Rakolojane Moipone
- Unemployment ? under conditions in the territory of Slovak Republic and the measures for its solutionAuthors: Rievajová Eva
- Strategic Planning and Contribution of SWOT Analysis in Lodging Enterprises: A Conceptual ApproachAuthors: Sagir Mehmet;Turkeri Ilker
- Local Administration Systems and Local Democracy PerceptionAuthors: Sagir Hayriye;Eroglu Hacer Tuğba
- Performance Measurment of State-Owned Banks in Turkish Banking Sector with Grey Relational Analysis MethodAuthors: Sakinc S. Öznur
- Using Grey Relational Analysis to Determine the Financial Performance of Turkish Football ClubsAuthors: Sakinc İlker
- Industrial Firm’s Financial Performance through Bid - Ask Spread since the Financial Crisis: Evidence from Jordanian Capital MarketAuthors: Samarah Miral R.
- Challenges to reconcile research with the teaching role. - A discussion of methodological approach in a project based on further education in counselling and coaching.Authors: Sandtrøen Sidsel
- Difficulties with Students with Low Language Difficulties Face in Language Learning Process: Turkey CaseAuthors: Sari Seyda
- Corporate Governance Compliance of Companies Listed on the Alternative Exchange (ALTX) In South AfricaAuthors: Scholtz Henriette
- Economic Liberalization and Environmental Degradation in India: A Causal Analysis of InterventionsAuthors: Sinha Avik;Bhattacharya Joysankar
- Factors affecting the education of the new generationAuthors: Sirbiladze Ann;Aptarashvili Ia
- Dos : A Maternal Influence in Family Finance in Roman LawAuthors: Sütken Elvan
- Performance analysis of logistic processes in construction industryAuthors: Tapler Csaba
- Analysis of the Political Discourses of the Ruling and Opposition Parties Regarding the New Regulations in the Internet Law in TurkeyAuthors: Terkan Banu;Terkan Nurullah
- The Media treatment of the "Three Children" Discourse of Turkish Prime Minister in Media TextsAuthors: Terkan Nurullah
- A New Bulgarian View on Social Adaptation of the Military, Discharged from Military ServicesAuthors: Terziev Venelin;Dimitrova Sevdalina
- HR Roles and activities. Empirical results from the DACH-Region and implications for a future development of the HR profession.Authors: Thill Katharina;Covarrubias Venegas Barbara;Groblschegg Sabine
- Ultimatum game: A meta-analysis of the past three decades of experimental researchAuthors: Tisserand Jean-Christian
- Consumers´ Information Search Behavior on Wholesome Nutrition and their Attitudes towards Health Products; A Field Study from Eskisehir, TurkeyAuthors: Turan Nurcan;Calik Nuri
- Students’ Language Mistakes and Effective Teaching StrategiesAuthors: Uibu Krista;Liiver Merili
- The automotive industry regional development challenges in Central and Eastern EuropeAuthors: Uszkai Andrea;Jóna László
- China challenges to America: An Economic and Cultural PerspectiveAuthors: Vandal Gilles
- Economic regionalism and FDI inflows in the ASEAN regionAuthors: Völgyi Katalin
- The Regional Distribution of Foreign Direct Investment in Thailand: A Partial Stock Adjustment Provincial-Level ModelAuthors: Wattanadumrong Bhagaporn
- Facilitation of Intrinsic Motivation in Course Project WorkAuthors: Zhu Bochun;Chan-Tan Yuek Wee;Dorville Rodney