Archived Papers for Journal
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Vol.VI, No.1
Publisher: National Museum of History of Moldova
Publishing Date: 2012-10-10
- The story of a few grains of salt in European prehistoryAuthors: Olivier Weller
- The armed women of Early Iron Age in the Northern Pontic: social aspectsAuthors: Elena Fialko
- Preliminary data from the archaeological survey carried out near Răuţel village (Făleşti District)Authors: Vitalie Burlacu
- New finds from the Precucuteni settlements Cărbuna I and Cărbuna XI (Ialoveni district, Republic of Moldova)Authors: Stanislav Ţerna; Serghei Popovici; Valerii Paşa
- The Iron Curtain and Eurasian ArchaeologyAuthors: Elena Izbitser
- A grave of the Catacomb culture from the right bank of the Egorlyk RiverAuthors: Nikolai M. Fomichev
- The clay objects found in the settlements of the Noua-Sabatinovka type in the Carpathian-Dniester areaAuthors: Mariana Sîrbu
- Archaeological investigations at the site of Saharna Mare (2009-2011) (I)Authors: Ion Niculiţă; Aurel Zanoci; Mihail Băţ; Sergiu Matveev
- Archaeological research on the site of Saharna-Dealul Mănăstirii in 2011Authors: Ion Niculiţă; Andrei Nicic
- A representation of a chariot on a vessel from the 5th century BC, from DigoriaAuthors: Alexandr Moshinskiy
- Lot of amphora stamps found in the pit no. 16 from TyrasAuthors: Natalia Mateevici; Pavel Ostapenko; Tatiana Samojlova
- Die griechische Amphoren in der Poieneşti-Lucaşeuca-KulturAuthors: Vasile Iarmulschi
- The pottery kilns at the Maeothian settlements of the Kuban river and the Don river regionsAuthors: Boris Raev
- The results of archaeological exploration in central and northern regions of the Republic of MoldovaAuthors: Ivan Vlasenko
- Greek and Latin harbor terminology in the ancient texts. A case study of harbors of the Levantine coastAuthors: Ana-Maria Buşilă
- Centuriations romaines dans la plaine de VeniseAuthors: Robin Brigand
- La politique de l'empereur Flavius Valens au Bas-Danube 364-370. La perte de la Dacie meridionaleAuthors: Vasile Mărculeţ
- The findings of belts in the complexes of XIII-XVI centuries in the Carpathian-Balkan regionAuthors: Svetlana Reabtseva
- The results of archaeological research in the Mazarache Church of Chişinău in 2010Authors: Ion Tentiuc; Valeriu Bubulici; Mariana Vasilache; Livia Sîrbu
- The method of polypolarization: an experiment in studying the ancient fabrics from Noyon UulAuthors: Vadim E. Kulikov; Elena Yu. Mednikova; Yulia I. Elikhina; Sergey S. Miniaev
- The chronicle of monetary discoveries (VI)Authors: Ana Boldureanu