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TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics >>

Vol.3, No.4

Publisher: UIKTEN

Publishing Date: 2014-11-27

  1. Passive Collecting of Solar Radiation Energy using Transparent Thermal Insulators, Energetic Efficiency of Transparent Thermal Insulators

    Authors: Smajo Sulejmanovic; Suad Kunosic; Ema Hankic

  2. Comparison of Feature Selection Techniques in Knowledge Discovery Process

    Authors: Dijana Oreski; Tomislav Novosel

  3. The Reliability to Predict Threat in Social Networks

    Authors: Aleksandrs Larionovs

  4. Sign Language Recognition using Neural Networks

    Authors: Sabaheta Đogić; Gunay Karli

  5. Trends and Challenges of Electronic Auctions as a New Business Model

    Authors: Margarita Janeska; Dejan Zdraveski; Suzana Taleska

  6. Teaching English Language to Children with Special Educational Needs

    Authors: Alina Nicoleta Padurean

  7. Factors Affecting M-commerce Adoption in Oman using Technology Acceptance Modeling Approach

    Authors: Syed Jafar Naqvi; Hafedh Al-Shihi

  8. Numerical and Analytical Analysis of Elastic Rotor Natural Frequency

    Authors: Adis J. Muminovic; Sanjin Braut; Adil Muminovic; Isad Saric

  9. A New Perspective: Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and its Reflections

    Authors: Sinem SOMUNOĞLU İKİNCİ

  10. Theoretical Analisis of the Effects of Fiscal Policy in Montenegro

    Authors: Damir

  11. Capacity for Acceptance and use of Pre-accession Funds in the Republic of Macedonia

    Authors: Nikolche Jankulovski; Katerina Bojkovska; Monika Angeloska Dichoska

  12. Discipline, Good Faith and Payment’s Loyalty ? Main Factors for Reducing the Corporate Indebtness in Bulgaria

    Authors: Slavena Stoyanova