Archived Papers for Journal
Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS) >>
Vol.9, No.1
Publisher: Centre of Excellence for Scientific & Research Journalism, COES&RJ LLC
Publishing Date: 2020-01-01
- The relationship between organizational changes and job satisfaction in the Jordanian telecommunication industryAuthors: Najda Hayajneh Taghrid Suifan Bader Yousef Obeidat Mohammd Abuhashesh Raed Kareem Kanaan
- Basic principles of economic policy and public decision in the 21st centuryAuthors: Oscar González Muñoz Milagros Cano Flores Dr
- Poses in Drug Abusers’ DivorceAuthors: Tamam Odeh Alassaf
- The Reality of Using Modern Teaching Methods in Teaching Arabic for Speakers of other Languages from Teachers’ PerspectiveAuthors: Ibrahim Hassan Mohamed Rababah Dr.
- Communicative Competence by Learners of Arabic as a Second Language (the Writing Skill as a Model)Authors: Asem Bani Amer Ibrahim Hasan Mohamed Al-Rababah Dr.
- The potential of the strategic recruitment of the Hashed al-ShaabiAuthors: Ziya M. Abbas Hussein Abbas
- The Short Story and its Role in the Teaching of Arabic to Non- Native SpeakersAuthors: Hussein Abdul Karim Al Btoush Ibrahim Hassan Al Rababah Qutaiba Yousef Habashneh Dr.
- The persistence of the companions ’faith and their non-apostasy after the death of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. Nodular studyAuthors: Ahmed Abdul Hussein Al-Awaisheh Dr.
- Syrian Crisis in Jordan: Case Study of Hosting Community Psycho-social in Low Income areas in AmmanAuthors: Manal Fathi Anabtawi Dr.
- The evolution of the doctrine of the infallibility of the Pope in the Catholic beliefs. "An historical contract study"Authors: Ahmed Abdul Hussein Al-Awaisheh Hala Ghassan Al Hussein Dr.
- Gifted and rewarded. Belief and investigationAuthors: Ahmed Abdul Hussein Al-Awaisheh Dr.
- Claim of Transport Commission Agent Liability and Compensation ProvisionsAuthors: Mohammad Battah Dr.