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Vol.21, No.2
Publisher: Dnipro State Medical University
Publishing Date: 2016-05-31
- The role of thyroid hormones in regulating of fatty acid spectrum of brain lipids: ontogenetic aspectAuthors: Rodynskiy A.G.; Kondratieva O.J. Demchenko O.M.
- Morphology of embryonic liver under the influence of silver and gold citrates on a background of lead intoxicationAuthors: Harets V.I.; Shatorna V.F.; Belska Iu.O.
- Biochemical parameters and adaptation of white rats with active and passive type of behavior under immobilization stressAuthors: Fedorenko Yu.V.
- Hemispheric asymmetry of the brain as a psycho-physiological basis of individual and typological features of the formation of a sense of humourAuthors: Shportun O.N.
- Gender and age-related features in office and home blood pressure control in patients with uncomplicated hypertension in real clinical practiceAuthors: Amosova K.M. Rudenko Iu.V.
- Novel approach for identification of left ventricle geometry in patients with chronic heart failure, AH and IHD in combination with COPDAuthors: Potabashniy V.A.
- Factors of cardiovascular risk and cognitive dysfunction in patients with controlled hypertensionAuthors: Krotova V.Yu.
- Improvement of the efficiency of treatment in patients with coronary artery disease and metabolic syndrome after percutaneous coronary intervention for acute coronary syndrome without ST-segment elevationAuthors: Chumachenko N.V.
- Disorders of cardiac hemodynamic in attack period of bronchial asthma in childrenAuthors: Kondratiev V.А.; Reznyk А.V.
- Cytological characterization of wound healing in diabetic patients on the background of the VAC-therapyAuthors: Besedin A.M.; Karpenko L.I.
- Features of expression of oncoprotein p16ІNK4a in squamous cell carcinomas of the oropharynxAuthors: Poslavskaya O.V.
- The influence of the hematological complications on the efficiency of the systemic therapy of breast cancerAuthors: Prokhach A.V.
- Expediency of radiation therapy and adjuvant polychemotherapy in surgical treatment of cancerAuthors: Khvorostenko M.I.; Bondarenko I.N.; Barannikov K.V.; Khvorostenko Y.M.; Phokhach A.V.
- The role of tumor molecular subtypes in formation of personalized approach to the theatment of the breast cancerAuthors: Bondarenko I.N.; Elhajj Mohammad H.; Chebanov K.O.; Phokhach A.V.; Bondarenko Y.N.
- Preclinical study of the properties of human autosymbionts A. ViridansAuthors: Stepanskyi D.O.; Kremenchutskyi G.M.; Koshova I.P.
- The results of clinical testing of photodynamic therapy in the complex treatment of gingivitis, complicating orthodontic treatment with bracket systemsAuthors: Samoylenko V.A.
- Hygienic assessment of biotic and abiotic metals intake in the children’s organism in the conditions of technogenically contaminated territoriesAuthors: Belitskaya E.N.; Antonova E.V.
- Landscape changes in the environment due to military actions and their epidemic risksAuthors: Krushelnitsky A.D.; Ogorodniychuk I.V.; Ivanko O.M.
- Toxicological and hygienic regulation and assessment of danger of the new fungicide-cyflufenamidAuthors: Stavnichenko P.V.; Antonenko A.M.; Korshun M.M.; Bardov V.G.
- Modern aspects of atibiotic sensitivity of prominent pathogens of infectious complicationsAuthors: Nazarchuk O.A.; Osadchuk N.I.; Palij D.V.
- Salt composition of potable water from centralized sources of water supply in the rural tacsons of Dnepropetrovsk regionAuthors: Hryhorenko L.V.; Zaitsev V.V.; Kondratiev A.Yu.
- Hygienic estimation of working conditions safety in technologic cycle of application of combined fungicide-protectant, based on tebuconazoleand metalaxyl-M on cereal cropsAuthors: Kondratiuk N.V.; Blagaia A.V.
- Features of burnout syndrome development in healthcare workers with different types of work motivationAuthors: Vezhnovets T.A.; Pariy V.D.
- Regularities of socially significant functions formation in pupilsAuthors: Hrebniak N.P.; Shchudro S.A.
- Professor Vincent Tsesarevych Tomashevch ? the founder of general surgery department (to his 140-th birthday)Authors: TrofimovM.V.; BarannykS.I.; Muntian S.O.; Kryshen V.P.