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Archived Papers for Journal

Physical education of students >>

Vol.18, No.2

Publisher: Kharkov National Pedagogical University

Publishing Date: 2014-04-15

  1. On the improvement of the control force readiness of students engaged arm sport

    Authors: Voronkov AV; Nikulin IN; Sobyanin FI

  2. Relationship as an aspect of psychological climate of women's soccer team

    Authors: Huzar VN; Shalar OG; Norik AO

  3. Methodological requirements of the competitive approach in tourist formation of the future teachers

    Authors: Dudorova LJ

  4. Students' attitude to the possibility of applying modern information and communication technologies in the educational process in physical education

    Authors: Ilnitskaya AS; Kozina ZhL; Lakhno E G; Ilnitskaya LV; Cieslicka Mirossawa; Stankiewicz Bsazej; Pilewska Wieslawa

  5. Influence of the emotional state on behavior in extreme conditions of competitive sports activities

    Authors: Malakhov VA; Puhach YaI; Serebrjakov AM; Bakanova AF; Druz VA

  6. Physical readiness and performance of adolescents of different somatotype

    Authors: Mysiv V M

  7. Research of hands' strength and endurance indications of arm sport athletes having different levels of skills

    Authors: Podrigalo LV; Galashko MN; Galashko NI; Prusik Krzysztof; Cieslicka Miroslawa

  8. Influence of socio-philosophical and spiritual values on the formation of social orientation and physical health specialists the sphere of physical culture and sports

    Authors: Feuerman VV

  9. Special physical preparation of athletes in motor sport during testing methods basic training level of preparedness for competitive athlete load

    Authors: Cherednychenko MA; Artemieva GP

  10. Level of development of the physical components of social activity schoolchildren 10-11 years children summer camp

    Authors: Chovgan RYa; Ivanishyn IM; Prezliata AV

  11. Research of kinematic characteristics of basic attacking technical action young wrestlers freestyle

    Authors: Yaremenko WW