Archived Papers for Journal
Journal of Ocular Biology >>
Vol.1, No.2
Publisher: Avens Publishing Group
Publishing Date: 2013-12-30
- Valsalva Retinopathy Associated with Choking and Heimlich ManeuverAuthors: Ying-Xiang Huang; Na Li; Yan-ling Wang
- Bilateral Chorioretinal Folds in Association with Chronic Polypoidal Choroidal VasculopathyAuthors: Eric M. Shrier; James F. McGroarty
- Mitochondrial Dynamics in Retinal Ganglion Cell Axon Regeneration and Growth Cone GuidanceAuthors: Kira L. Lathrop; Michael B. Steketee
- Review of Inflammation and Infection in Contact Lens Wearers: Risk Factors and Association with Single Nucleotide PolymorphismsAuthors: Nagaraju Konda; Mark DP Willcox
- Retinal Artery Occlusion after Embolization of Intracranial TumorAuthors: We Fong Siah; Patricia Logan
- Trypsin for Dissociation of Limbal Cells for Engineering of Grafts May Induce DNA Strand Breaks in the Harvested CellsAuthors: Yolanda Lorenzo; Kristiane Haug Berg; Kristine Ustgaard-Andersen; Erik Otter Johnsen; Amund Ringvold; Morten C. Moe; Liv Drolsum; Katerina Jirsova; Bjørn Nicolaissen; Andrew Collins