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Archived Papers for Journal

Austin Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology >>

Vol.2, No.4

Publisher: Austin Publishing Group

Publishing Date: 2014-05-29

  1. Detection of [Ca2+]I Changes In Sub–Plasma Membrane Micro Domains in A Single Living Cell By an Optical Fiber–Based Nanobiosensor

    Authors: Wang S; Ye F; Lang X; Fei D; Turner APF; Ge Y

  2. Development of Cuboidal Nanomedicine by Nanotechnology

    Authors: Basavaraj K Nanjwade; Yallappamaharaj R Hundekar; Meghana S Kamble; Teerapol Srichana

  3. Osteoarticular Regenerative Nanomedicine: Advances and Drawbacks in Articular Cartilage Regeneration Implants

    Authors: Pascale Schwinté; Laetitia Keller; Sandy Eap; Didier Mainard; Nadia Benkirane-Jessel