Archived Papers for Journal
Journal of Advanced Research in Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy >>
Vol.2, No.3
Publisher: ADR Publications
Publishing Date: 2015-10-01
- Evolutionary Changes in Human Lifestyle and its Effects on General Health of Society in the view of Ayurvedic PrinciplesAuthors: Rakesh Narayanan V
- Makshika Visha - The Concepts of Honey Bee Envenomation in AyurvedaAuthors: Shobha Bhat K; Vishwesh BN
- Nadis in Tantric LiteratureAuthors: Mini K V; H H Awasthi
- Yoga and Pranayama during High-Risk PregnancyAuthors: G.M. Kavya; Susheela Sharma
- Physiology and Anatomy of StressAuthors: Manish Kumar Dwivedi; H H Awasthi