Archived Papers for Journal
Engineering and Scientific International Journal >>
Vol.7, No.2
Publisher: Innovative Research Developers and Publishers (IRDP)
Publishing Date: 2020-06-30
- Microgravity and TelomeresAuthors: Roberto Aquilano
- Genetic Analysis of Eight Crosses for Quantitative and Qualitative Trait in Wheat (triticum aestivum l.) over the EnvironmentsAuthors: Sonali A. Aware N. R. Potdukhe
- Nutrition and Immune FunctionAuthors: Neharika Saxena H M Saxena
- Levitation of CellsAuthors: Chetana Krishnan
- Standardize and Develop a Complete Meal as a Nutri-Spro Powder for Nutrition of ChildrenAuthors: Swati .D.Shende Nakhale Samruddhi Bhaskar Zoting
- Phytosynthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of Iron Oxide Nanoparticle using Henna (Lawsonia Inermis)Authors: C. M. Noorjahan
- An Appraisal of the Dairy Farming Practices and Feeding System in MizoramAuthors: Rajat Buragohain
- Role Oriented Challenges for User Experience Design in Agile ScrumAuthors: Abhijeet Shukla
- Gesture Based Interaction in Immersive Virtual RealityAuthors: Divya Udayan J