Archived Papers for Journal
English Literature and Language Review >>
Vol.4, No.4
Publishing Date: 2018-04-01
- Elements of Dystopian Science Fiction in David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas: Generic and Ontological ImplicationsAuthors: Alireza Farahbakhsh; Soulmaz Kakaee
- Aspects of Modernism in Ernest Hemingway’s “A Farewell to Arms”Authors: Khaleel Bakheet Khaleel Ismail
- The Influence of Tpr, Gtm Methods and Linguistic Intelligence Toward the Learning Outcomes in English Dap Based (An Experimental Study at the Students of the Second Grade of Sdn Samarinda, East Borneo)Authors: Hasbi Sjamsir
- Gendering and Spacing the Trauma of Sexual Assault: A Father’s Story, A Daughter’s Unspeakable in J. M. Coetzee’s DisgraceAuthors: Banu Akcesme