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Archived Papers for Journal

Journal of Urban Tourism >>

Vol.2, No.2

Publisher: Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran

Publishing Date: 2015-08-15

  1. Investigation of the relationship between the tourist attractions and land use by using geographical weighted regression model (case study: Isfahan, Iran)

    Authors: تقی کریمیان;حسنعلی فرجی سبکبار;احمد پوراحمد

  2. The Evaluation and prioritization of tourism potential and infrastructure development By using MADM methods (case study: Kurdistan province cities)

    Authors: میر‌نجف موسوی;محمد ویسیان;سمیه محمدی‏ حمیدی;مهناز اکبری

  3. Investigation effects of tourism on the economy‌ـ social workers in the tourism sector Khoramabad City

    Authors: مهدی قرخلو‌;سعید حیدری نیا;نبی مرادپور;فاطمه هادی‌الاصل

  4. Importance-Performance Analysis Sustainable Tourism Based on environmental, social and economic aspect

    Authors: زهرا نصراللهی;فریده موسی بیکی ده‌آبادی

  5. Examines the role of urban tourism development on sustainable urban development (Case study: Sanandaj)

    Authors: حسین حاتمی‌نژاد;امیر شریفی

  6. Evaluation and Ranking barriers of tourism development in township of Minoodasht

    Authors: بهرام ایمانی;حمیده خسروی مهر;علی طورانی

  7. Review and Assess the Role of Citizen Participation in Urban Sustainable tourism Tehran municipality zone 22 case study

    Authors: بهار بیشمی;مصطفی محمودی