Archived Papers for Journal
Córima, Revista de Investigación en Gestión Cultural >>
Vol.2, No.2
Publisher: Universidad de Guadalajara / Sistema de Universidad Virtual
Publishing Date: 2017-01-01
- Recognising connection: social significance and heritage practiceAuthors: Chris Johnston
- Collective Stories about Unofficial Living-Arts Spaces: Metaphorized TensionsAuthors: Laura Elena Román García
- Archeological Sites Management in Lima, Peru: Panorama, diagnosis, and proposalAuthors: Pedro David Espinoza Pajuelo
- Cartography of Border Culture: The Intervention of the Civil Society in the Promotion of Cultural Policy. Case Study of the Municipalities of Jaguarão and Arroio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilAuthors: Bruno César Alves Marcelino
- Management and cultural policy for local development: Budget analysis through public funding in Jaguarão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: 2004-2013Authors: Ícaro Vasques Inchauspe