Journal: University Journal of Medicine and Medical Specialities (Vol.3, No. 3)Publication Date: 2017-04-13
Page : 106-109
Keywords : supravalvular mitral ring; parachute mitral valve; shone's complex;
Isolated congenital mitral stenosis is an extremely rare condition. Congenital mitral stenosis can be due to anyone of the following anatomical variations. These are anamolous mitralarcade, double orifice mitral valve, accessory mitral valve tissue, supravalvular mitral ring, parachutemitral valve and shortened or thickened chordae tendinae. Shone's complex is a condition in whichthere is multiple obstructive lesions in the left side of the heart and includes Supravalvular mitral ring,Parachute mitral valve, Sub aortic stenosis and Co arctation of aorta.In congenital mitral stenosismost of the patients become symptomatic within two years of age. The patient usually presents withdyspnea, tachypnea, recurrent respiratory tract infections and failure to thrive. Chest X ray will showfeatures of left atrial and right ventricular enlargement. In electrocardiogram evidence of left atrialenlargement (broad P waves in lead II and V1) and right ventricle enlargement (tall R waves in rightprecordial leads) will be present. Twodimensional echocardiography with Doppler imaging is themost important diagnostic tool. Surgical correction is the definitive treatment. Here we describe athree years old female child with isolated congenital mitral stenosis . The child was admitted withsigns of congestive cardiac failure. On echocardiogram a thin ridge of fibrous tissue attached to mitralvalve leaflets was seen and a diagnosis of congenital mitral stenosis due to supravalvular mitral ringwas made. The child was treated with antifailure measures and the condition of the child improvedwith antifailure treatment. The child has been registered in our cardiothoracic department for surgicalcorrection and was awaiting for surgery.
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