Design the structure of the Wireless Recharging for Wireless Sensor Network
Journal: International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science (Vol.2, No. 2)Publication Date: 2017-04-07
Authors : Samta Jain Goyal; Rajeev Goyal;
Page : 257-260
Keywords : Wireless energy transmission; sencars; wireless recharging; minimum weighted sum algorithm; named data networking.;
- Design the structure of the Wireless Recharging for Wireless Sensor Network
- Survey on Recharging Methods of Sensor Nodes in Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks
- Web Design Irrigation in Wireless Sensor Network Using Raspberry Pi
- Design Issues and Applications of Wireless Sensor Network
To address the facility constraint drawback in wireless detector network the recharging batteries of detector nodes in detector network through wireless energy transmission may be a nice different. To extend the period of the detector network through wireless charging numerous schemes has been planned. During this paper we have a tendency to planned associate degree NDN based mostly wireless recharging framework for detector nodes, during which the detector nodes are recharged once its level of the battery reduces below the edge price. To trip the nodes the minimum weighted add algorithmic program has been employed in that with minimum motion value the mobile sinks reaches the nodes. The priority schedule has been introduced to recharge to the emergency detector nodes. The simulation results demonstrate that the planned framework elongates the network period compared to the prevailing recharging framework.
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Last modified: 2017-06-23 11:42:00