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Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers «Social and Behavioral Sciences Series»; «Management and Administration Series» (psychological 053, economy 051, public administration 281). (Category «B») (Vol.3, No. 32)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 34-46

Keywords : brand; brand communication; socio-psychological mechanisms of influence; educational services; personnel of educational organizations;

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The article deals with socio-psychological problems and mechanisms of brand communication in the sphere of educational services. The problems of providing of educational services in the present terms on the macro-, meso- and micro levels of analysis are highlighted. The role of postgraduate education with the support of educational services (in the context of ensuring the continuity of education) is shown. The essence and social-psychological mechanisms of brand communication in general and in the process of providing educational services in particular are analyzed. It is shown that brand communication in the sphere of educational services is a complex of certain actions in the process of interaction of the personnel of educational organizations (interpersonal, intergroup, mass) with consumers of educational services that influence their thoughts, motives, attitudes, behavior, etc. The result of effective brand communication is the attractive image of the educational organization's brand in education services consumers. The peculiarities of social-psychological mechanisms of influence (persuasion, suggestion etc.) of a brand-communicator on the consumer of educational services are highlighted. The advisability of development of psychological readiness of the personnel of educational organizations for effective brand communication in the sphere of educational services, which can be realized in the conditions of postgraduate pedagogical education, is stated.

Last modified: 2017-11-28 21:35:59