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Journal: Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan (Vol.6, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 129-150

Keywords : Kawasan Perdagangan Bebas; Perdagangan Preferensial; Penilaian Dampak; Ekspor; Free Trade Area; Preferential Trade; Impact Assessment; Export;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This study acts as an impact assessment on ACFTA Trade in Goods Agreement toward two countries: Indonesia and China. A quantitative approach of econometric analysis is employed to assess the effect of ACFTA to the two countries from two sides: export contribution and its growth. The result shows that Indonesia has enjoyed less benefits than China from the ACFTA preferential tariff. Joining ACFTA Indonesia performed an increase in export to China by US$ 116 million per year or 5.83% increase per annum. Meanwhile, China's export to Indonesia amounted to US$ 5.6 billion per year or increase 18.55% per annum. It is suggested that Indonesia should work more aggressively to balance the ACFTA benefit such as through bilateral agreement, China national standard acquisition, minimizing sectoral adjustment impact in the five most affected sectors, and optimizing anti-dumping policy.

Last modified: 2018-01-25 11:28:42