Anatomical Properties and Fiber Quality of The Least Known Wood Species:Families of Capparidaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Chloranthaceae and Compositae
Journal: Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan (Vol.32, No. 4)Publication Date: 2014-12-30
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From the total of 34,410 wood samples collection of Xylarium Bogorienses 1915, there are about 800 species (251 genera of 77 tribes) which their anatomical properties have not been studied adequately. These wood species were grouped into “The Least Known Wood Species”. This paper studies anatomical properties and fiber quality of five wood species of “The Least Known Wood Species”. The studied species include sp.Miq.,(Capparidaceae), Bl. (Caprifoliaceae),sp. (Chloranthaceae) and sp.(Compositae).Samples were extracted from Xylarium Bogoriense 1915 collection. The anatomical properties were examined through sectioned samples based on the IAWA list of wood identification and fiber dimensions were observed from macerated samples. Results show that anatomical properties of the studied species are distinctive for identification purposes, such as sp. and sp. which characterized with wide ray structures. Aggregate rays were present in sp. The heartwood of are yellowish in colour and has straight grain which can be used for substitution of ramin wood. Fiber quality of all the studied species are classified into class quality I for pulp and paper except sp. wood species which falls into class quality II.
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Last modified: 2018-05-08 10:29:56