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Implementation with Adaptive Modulation Technique and OFDM Based Approach

Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (Vol.4, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 544-550

Keywords : Adaptive modulation; Adaptive OFDM; Adaptive encoder/decoder; Adaptive FFT and Hamming encoder/decoder.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


An Adaptive mododulation techniques is widely used in OFDM this technique cannot only improve the utilization efficiency of spectrum but also the bit error rate performance of system. Adaptive encoders and Adaptive decoder techniques are designed for OFDM system with the help of Convolutional Encoder/Adaptive Viterbi Decoder and Hamming Encoder/Hamming Decoder. Similarly, an adaptive modulation and demodulation techniques are designed for OFDM system with the help of QAM modulation and QPSK modulation. In this section, an adaptive OFDM has been designed by combining all adaptive techniques such as adaptive FFT, adaptive Encoders, adaptive Decoder, adaptive modulation and adaptive demodulation.

Last modified: 2018-07-09 14:22:43