Effect of Co Laser on Some Properties of NI TI CU Shape Memory Alloy
Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) (Vol.8, No. 2)Publication Date: 2018-04-30
Authors : Abeer R. Abbas Kadhim A. Hebeatir; Kadhim K. Resan;
Page : 451-460
Keywords : CO2laser; NiTi; Shape Memory Alloy & Powder Metallurgy;
- Effect of Co Laser on Some Properties of NI TI CU Shape Memory Alloy
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The microstructure, mechanical and corrosion properties of Nickel-Titanium-Copper shape memory alloy were studied in this paper. The Ni -Ti -Cu alloy was prepared using the powder metallurgy technique, and then mixed and 46 50 4 cold pressed at (600,700 and 800) MPa to arrangement cylindrical specimens of (11mm diameter×16.5mm length).After pressed the samples had sufficient green strength for handling. The specimens were consequently sintered at (850,900 and 950) ˚C for five hours in an electric vacuum furnace. The optimum compacting pressure and sintering temperature were identified using Minitab program. Samples prepared under the optimum process conditions were then irradiated using a continuous CO laser at5w, 10w and15w. Multiple investigations were conducted on the alloys including shape 2 memory effect, microstructure, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and hardness. The results indicate that increase hardness after Laser processing
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Last modified: 2018-07-23 20:04:27