Türk Fikir Hayatında Refik Halit Karay
Journal: Ankara emlak gazetesi (Vol.13, No. 1)Publication Date: 2013-01-31
Authors : Yenal ÜNAL;
Page : 15-34
Keywords : History of thought; Refik Halit Karay; Constitutional Era; Republican Era; Turkey.;
Turkey is in a great difficulty in making man of thoughts and science. Thence, to be able to make any evaluation of these issues, it is essential to benefit from great figures of literature and history. The principal aim of this work is to sound what kind of contributions to the world of thought in Turkey were made by Refik Halit Karay who was adroitly treated in his works the political, historical, social and traditional developments during the period from the Second Constitutional Era to 1960’s. This paper also intends to inform about the progress the Turkish world of thought made through the history and to fix the position of Refik Halit Karay within this process as well.
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Last modified: 2013-03-14 16:54:10