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Communicative education against family violence: objective of Integral and General Medicine

Journal: Revista Información Científica (Vol.97, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 548-556

Keywords : family violence; family communication education; Comprehensive General Medicine;

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Introduction: the family and the professionals of the MGI need knowledge about the management of family violence as a health problem, solution in the communicative educational action that is developed with the affected families. The evaluation of the risks by the MGI is required. Accordingly, it is a priority of the Cuban government and its national health system to ensure the full development of our families free of this scourge. Objective: to characterize the current state of family violence that favors the adoption of actions in response to the need of knowledge on the part of the population and health professionals about the role of educational communication in the management of this health problem. Method: an intentional qualitative study was carried out to give a theoretical-practical answer to the problem. The study of the variable level of family violence, knowledge about the problematic that is investigated was based on Herrera Santi P, s methodology. Criteria about family violence, educational communication and its incidence in the improvement of intra familial relationships were explored. Results: the design of a system of family communicative educational actions led by professionals of the Integral General Medicine that favored the effective management of family violence as a health problem. Conclusions: the quality of the communicative family educational actions that were derived was satisfactory of this work made possible the change in the affected families with the improvement in the relations among its members as a feasible way in the achievement of the quality of life of the families.

Last modified: 2018-10-03 22:38:51