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The Frequency of Fruit and Vegetables Consumption and the Frequency of Vitamin and Mineral supplements Consumption among students

Journal: International Journal of Sanitary Engineering Research (IJSER) (Vol.4, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 18-30

Keywords : Nutrition; Research; Fruit and vegetables; Vitamin and mineral Supplement; Student;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Eating habits of Slovenes are bad. The research Eating habits of adult Slovenes showed that Slovenians eat too much unhealthy food and too little fibre, fruit and vegetables. On average a Slovenian adult eats only one piece of fruit per day, whereas 12 % of Slovenians never eat vegetables. In their research from the year 2004, Poljšak et al. similarly come to the conclusion, that half of the participants eat fruit and/or vegetables merely once per day or even less than once. Numerous institutions in cooperation with the government commissions therefore started promoting a diet with more fruit and vegetables. This kind of promotions (PRO GREENS, School fruit scheme) is focusing on the younger population. Due to the fact that this is a current topic, it was decided to carry out a research among the students of the University of Ljubljana, which would help to find out how often the students eat fruit and vegetables, and how often they consume vitamin and mineral supplements. Regarding available data the observed population does not eat enough fruit and vegetables, and moreover too often takes vitamin and mineral supplements. The results of the research carried out among 100 students show that merely 7 % of the participants eat fruit or vegetables five or more times per day. As many as 40 % of the participants eat fruit and vegetables only once per day. The frequency of taking vitamin and mineral supplements varies. Out of 71 % of students who take vitamin and mineral supplements, 8 % consume supplements regularly on a daily basis.

Last modified: 2013-03-18 18:53:52