Ways of Expression of Compliance to Norm in the Phraseological Field of the World of English and Tatar Linguistic Cultures
Journal: The Journal of Social Sciences Research (Vol.4, No. 1)Publication Date: 2018-11-15
Authors : Ekaterina A. Khuzina; Rezeda Yo. Mukhtarova;
Page : 464-467
Keywords : Norm; Phraseological unit; Gender component; Cultural scenario.;
- Ways of Expression of Compliance to Norm in the Phraseological Field of the World of English and Tatar Linguistic Cultures
- Anthropocentric Phraseological Units With Color Component in English, Russian and Tatar Languages
- Determination of Specifics of Semantics of Phraseological Units with a Gender Component in the English and Tatar Languages
- The Research of the Structural Organization of Metaphorical and Metonymical Models of Phraseological Units with a Gender Component in the English and Tatar Languages
- Component Parts of Phraseological and Parameological Units With Ornytonym Component in the English, Russian and Tatar Languages
This article deals with the study of similarities and differences in expression of the correspondence of the norm to English and Tatar linguistic cultures using the material of phraseological units with a gender component. The paper defines the concept of norm in language and phraseology. One singles out the main groups of phraseological units according to whether they conform to the norm or not. The gender direction in linguistics, the subject of which is the interrelation of language and gender as a social factor, considers the concepts such as “gender”, “femaleness”, “maleness”. Gender is expressed in semantics and in the grammar of the language, forming a linguistic image of the world, which in turn depends on the conceptual image. The gender image of the world is not biologically determined, and the concepts of femaleness and maleness are determined by cultural and historical factors, in particular, by language stereotypes in different cultures and language communities. Gender metaphor also influences the formation of a conceptual and linguistic image of the world. A gender metaphor is understood as “the transfer not only of the physical, but also of the totality of spiritual qualities and properties, united by the nominations of femininity and masculinity to the objects that are not connected with sex”. In different language communities, femininity and masculinity referents often do not coincide, which creates difficulties in intercultural communication and translation.
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Last modified: 2019-02-01 20:45:33