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Independent reading as one of kinds of teaching the Russian language as foreign

Journal: Scientific review, Науковий огляд, Научное обозрение (Vol.4, No. 57)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 119-138

Keywords : foreign language; reading; Russian; learning; text; language level; working with text; reading in hearing; communication; method; purpose; External speech; intonation; timbre.;

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The article deals with the study of Russian as a foreign language, with the help of independent reading. The question of the effectiveness of teaching Russian is that expressive reading in teaching Russian as a foreign language can receive more attention, which is in line with the text-oriented teaching of Russian as a foreign language. The “reading” section will be considered for each student in a separate order, since all students may have different levels of training.

Last modified: 2019-07-01 21:53:24