Prejudice to the Environmental Balance Exacerbate the Outbreak of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis after the War against Daesh in - Al-Ramadi, Al-anbar Governorate| Biomed Grid
Journal: American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research (Vol.3, No. 5)Publication Date: 2019-06-28
Authors : Amal H Atiyah; Faraj Hato Joni;
Page : 418-422
Keywords : Zoonotic; Prejudice; Leishmaniasis; Daesh; Cutaneous leishmaniasis; Environmental; Ramadi; War; Iraq; Biomed Grid;
- Prejudice to the Environmental Balance Exacerbate the Outbreak of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis after the War against Daesh in - Al-Ramadi, Al-anbar Governorate| Biomed Grid
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Pollution resultant from military operations after the war against Daesh that happened in Ramadi city have direct or indirect significant impact, on contaminated of environmental elements which start to exacerbation the outbreaks of zoonotic Leishmaniasis. In view of the fact that is one of the interpretations of the negative consequences on society, combined with bad personal hygiene. The distribution of CL has explicit affected by demographic characteristics as well as climatic changes. Age group, type of construction, seems to have significant effect on morbidity with parasite. Incidence fluctuated according to degree of temperature during seasonal period a cutaneous leishmaniasis lesion observed in many parts of body's patients. However, a difference in the percentage of skin infestations was note, including face, hand, and arm and leg. Actually, the exact health situation in area's study is more complex and cannot be given based on a restricted data
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Last modified: 2019-07-09 16:27:45