Rational arrangement of direct plummets in concrete dams
Journal: Вестник МГСУ / Vestnik MGSU (Vol.14, No. 6)Publication Date: 2019-06-25
Authors : Shainyan Georgy A.;
Page : 713-713
Keywords : measuring systems; direct plummets; key console; Barlow-Hunter-Proshan mathematical model; probability density; normal distribution law; Laplace function;
- Rational arrangement of direct plummets in concrete dams
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Introduction. The design and construction of high hydroelectric installations are closely related to in-situ observations and studies over their condition and operation, which are the most reliable and effective means of verifying the reliability of calculation methods and design solutions. According to the results of the in-situ observations and studies during the construction and operation of dams, to monitor their condition by means of measurement systems, laboratory tests and calculation methods, unified methods can be developed for equipping the installations with devices on a unified principle. Currently, there is quite a lot of experience in the development and application of methods of in-situ research. New-type devices for measuring displacements, stresses in concrete, filtration flows and piezometric levels are developed. Automated systems for monitoring the behavior of hydraulic structures during the construction, filling of the reservoir and operation are installed. Modern satellite systems GLONASS and GPS are used. Materials and methods. The research was carried out on the arch dam of Inguri HEPS by means of 2177 measuring systems, 46 of which are direct and opposite plummets. The body of the dam has three direct plummets and one in each of the rocky bank abutments. Displacements relative to the plummets were measured with an optical coordinate-measuring apparatus. Statistical analysis methods were used to process the measurement data. Results. A technique of rational direct plummet arrangement in concrete dams was fine-tuned using statistical analysis methods and Barlow-Hunter-Proshan mathematical model based on the modern experience of in-situ observations and research. The type of distribution law of dam horizontal displacements was determined by means of analyzing the histograms of the measured indicators of the static state of the installation. The required number of plummets for the key console of the Inguri arch dam was specified. This technique was used in practice for designing high concrete dams. Conclusions. Munlti-year experience in the research and operation of the Inguri HEPS arch dam allowed assessing the compliance of the mounted measuring systems with special control requirements and allocating the necessary amount of them for monitoring the strength and stability of the installation. The proposed methods of in-situ research data analysis based on the theory of probability, statistics and reliability were used in the design of the Hudoni HEPS dam.
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Last modified: 2019-08-12 19:06:21