Dual Parametric Stabilization of Interference and Throughput in Wireless Sensor Network- Optical Communication
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (IJATCSE) (Vol.8, No. 5)Publication Date: 2019-10-15
Authors : Akshatha Hari Bhat; H V Balachandra Achar Author;
Page : 1937-1945
Keywords : Dual problem; Dynamic Modulation high throughput; Optical Communication (OC); Wireless Sensor Network (WSN);
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Self-adapting wireless communication in data exchange has gained a lot of interest and importance in the recent past. For monitoring and controlling of vital physical parameters Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has evolved. The property of WSN to link to itself is very useful and this acts as an advantage under critical access zones. With the significance of using interface in a wireless mode and easy deployment, WSNs are now used in various real-time monitoring applications. However, these networks are bounded with the need of accuracy and transmission throughput to perform efficiently in real-time applications. Wherein the new hybrid techniques such as integrated optical communication offer high communication spectrum, still the accuracy and throughput are always the dual problems. In this paper, we present an optimal communication approach in WSN interface to Optical Communication based on adaptive light modulation for minimal interference and maximum throughput. The proposed solution is focused to develop a spectrum allocation in WSN Optical Communication model with respect to offered service rate and the interference margin. The dynamic behavior of modulation control, leads to a higher resource utilization, lower computation overhead, higher accuracy and higher offered throughput.
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Last modified: 2019-11-11 14:03:22