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Assessment of the level of formation of competences of future professionals with information‐communication technologies

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.10, No. 39)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 24-39

Keywords : competencies; Information system; specialists; software; institution of higher education; information and communication technology; assessment.;

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The problem of determining the level of formation of professional competence of future specialists in information and communication technologies, which is due to the fact that the level of development of the IT industry in the future and each industry in particular and society as a whole, depends on its level of formation, is investigated. It is proved that the learning outcomes are evaluated by determining the level of formation of competencies of future specialists. The analysis of the means of assessing the level of formation of professional competence of future specialists in information and communication technologies. It is determined that for the implementation of the adaptation mechanism and effective interaction of the future specialist in the conditions of constant informatization of educational processes, there is a need to study, improve and verify the level of competence formation of future specialists. Based on the definition of the essence of professional competence of future information and communication technology specialists, the tasks of verifying their level of formation were specified. A procedure for monitoring the level of students' knowledge with a subsequent analysis of the quality of education in accordance with the regulatory documents of the university is defined. The features of assessing the level of formation of competencies of future specialists in information and communication technologies are indicated, they are focused on checking the level of training of applicants and the level of quality of the organization of the educational process. The features of external control at all levels are investigated. The features of internal control at all levels are considered. It is indicated that the developed software product contains questions included in the list and content of professional disciplines studying by future specialists in the field of information technology. A substantial description of the developed system, including a number of modules, which are the components of the full-fledged work of the site for testing, is made. The developed modules are listed and each of them is characterized. The components of the developed software product are considered. Diagnostic work has been carried out, features, criteria and indicators have been identified and means have been identified for assessing the levels of formation of this competency.

Last modified: 2020-02-28 18:01:28