L’imagerie dans la polyarthrite rhumatoïde
Journal: Batna Journal of Medical Sciences (Vol.1, No. 1)Publication Date: 2014-07-01
Authors : Imen Bencharif Dalila Bendjenna Assia Haddouche.;
Page : 18-21
Keywords : polyarthrite rhumatoïde; diagnostic; imagerie.;
Imaging is an essential complement to the clinical and laboratory examination for the diagnosis and monitoring of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). New imaging techniques such as MRI and ultrasonography have a better sensitivity than clinical examination or conventional radiography in the detection of synovitis and erosions. When conventional radiographs appear normal and if diagnostic doubt persists, it is recommended to look for possible erosions by more sensitive tools such as Doppler ultrasound or MRI. Given the difficulties of access, MRI is not recommended as first-line imaging test. Ultrasound remains an easy tool to use, inexpensive and more convenient tool than MRI.
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