The implementation of pedagogical conditions which form health-saving competence of chemistry teachers who work in postgraduate education institutions
Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.11, No. 40)Publication Date: 2020-02-19
Authors : Yurii Skyba Yevheniia Kocherha;
Page : 170-182
Keywords : chemistry teacher’s health-saving competence; postgraduate education institutions; coaching training; webinar; interactive technologies; integrative approach.;
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The article observes the aspects of a Chemistry teacher's health saving competence as a dynamic trait of a teacher's individuality which is based on the integration of knowledge, skills, values, and experience. This results in the ability to provide personal and professional health saving activities on the lessons and out of class Chemistry work. Its structure comprises value-motivational, cognitive, active and individual aspects. For their development we may suggest following pedagogical conditions: development of strong motivation for individual and professional health saving activities, reinforcement of health saving aware component in continuing education courses for Chemistry teachers and usage of interactive technologies. The implementation of these pedagogical conditions is possible if continuing education courses include coaching trainings (the training which is targeted for result, for the development of teacher's personal skills. It also aims to develop interpersonal skills and the ability to understand and sympathise others while performing health saving activities). We also suggest practical classes with the use of modern informational-communicative technologies and webinars (an online seminar or a training which has simultaneous translation and provides tools for common distant work of its members). While performing this kind of classes within continuing education courses, following technologies are used: general didactic (interactive) and specific technologies (health saving, sanitary, technologies of health aware, ecological health saving technologies and the ones to ensure the safety of life). Integrative approach is the basis to use the types of activities mentioned above. It means research of the issues of health saving through the perspective of integral health knowledge within Chemistry, Biology, Ecology, Art-pedagogics, Neuropedagogy, Psychology, and STEAM education.
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Last modified: 2020-06-12 15:30:45