Chinese Insertions Functioning in English: A Comparative Approach to Fiction and Non-Fiction Texts
Journal: Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices (Vol.17, No. 2)Publication Date: 2020-06-24
Authors : Tatiana Lupachyova; Viktoriya Bereznitskaya;
Page : 215-220
Keywords : foreign insertions; functions of insertions; fiction in English; non-fiction in English;
The present article is devoted to the comparative analysis of Chinese insertions functioning in fiction and non-fiction written in English based on the works of Amy Tan and Peter Hessler. As the research showed, the leading function of insertions in non-fiction was documentary function, whereas in fiction it was the function of ethnic coloring and the function of hero speech characteristics. The functions in the analyzed texts overlap and complement one another. Structurally the insertions in non-fiction feature words and phrases, in fiction they vary from interjections to significant parts of texts.
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Last modified: 2020-08-05 08:11:45