Optimal Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis Using New Simultaneous Design Method Modeled And Optimized By Microsoft Excel Solver
Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) (Vol.10, No. 3)Publication Date: 2020-06-30
Authors : Said M. Abdalla Moustafa E. Awad Mohamed A. Kaoud; Mohamed El Yamani;
Page : 14773-14792
Keywords : Hen Synthesis -Excel Solver In Hen Design -Optimization By Excel Solver –Total Annual Cost;
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In chemical plants, Heat exchangers contribute with main fraction in heat recovery and energy saving. Heat exchanger network design is main optimization problem in chemical plant design and optimization. Optimal heat exchanger network synthesis has essential impact on cost saving by reducing total annual cost. Optimum design contributes in environment protection by reducing hot duties. this mean reduction in fuel combustion leading to reduction in pollutant emission into the environment. There are many methods for HEN synthesis, starting from manual calculation methods to programming methods. The main cause for this study is the limitation of these design methods to reach theoptimum solution in some cases. For example, pinch analysis method has a limitation because it depends on minimum utility requirements and minimum numbers of units. Also using LP, NLP models have a limitation in stream splitting to find the best solution.Most of LP, NLP and MILP use complicated equations and it is difficult to change or update the model. The present work has new optimization method which use MICROSOFT EXCEL SOLVER in the synthesis of HEN. simultaneous flexible design is used. This model was extracted from the model of the superstructure stage-wise. Model objective function can be minimum annual cost, minimum operating cost, minimum utilizes requirements or minimum number of units. This model can work combined with other synthesis methods by taking the results of other methods as start points for the solver.
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Last modified: 2020-09-29 20:59:52