Problems and Technological Solutions for Maintaining The Stability of the Clay Rocks that Make Up the Wall of Oil and Gas Wells
Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) (Vol.10, No. 3)Publication Date: 2020-06-30
Authors : Sultanov Shavkat Abdullaevich Karimova Zarifa Umarovna; Xalilova Lola Mehriddinovna;
Page : 13951-13956
Keywords : GAE; Hydrolyzed Cotton Waste; Hydrophobizer (SFM); Clay Powder; PAN Waste; Hydrophobic Collimation; Paraffin;
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A decrease in the filtration of drilling fluids is observed due to an increase in the structural viscosity and elastic properties of these layers. In order to form a composite by interacting with each other, it is expedient to have polysaccharides with many functional groups and to add polyelectrolytes to increase their volume. If the size of the cell and the oil molecules are compatible with each other, i.e., if they are pre-formed, resistance to thermobaric conditions in the well and stability from the addition of compounds can result. When all the cells are temporarily not occupied by fats, the apolarized fat is replaced by water if the water hydration process in the cell continues at that time. Such inclusion slows down the formation of compounds or completely stops the wetting of clays. As a result of adsorption of surfactants, colloidal layers with advanced spatial structure such as composite resins, asphaltenes, paraffins, etc. can be formed on the hard surface. Gives effective results when using clay powder for components, PAN waste, GAE, Petroleum and petroleum products, hydrolyzed waste products of the cotton industry
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Last modified: 2020-09-30 20:44:52