The economic security management of enterprise according to the principles of its rational level provision
Journal: Marketing and Management of Innovations (Vol.4, No. 1)Publication Date: 2013-03-25
Authors : O.I. Maslak; N.Y. Grishko;
Page : 198-208
Keywords : economic safety management; functional constituents; method of hierarchies; priority; rational level;
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The aim of the article. The object of the article is the specification of some approaches concerning enterprises economic security management according to the provisions of its rational level; development of methodological approaches to the solution taking in acount enterprise reaction priority within the scope of economic security management.The results of the analysis. In the article the structural components of mechanism of enterprises economic security management have been analyzed. The methodological approach that makes it possible to increase the level of economic substantiation in managerial decision making has been suggested.In order to identify the importance of main threats for a certain engineering plant it is suggested to use matrix threat-losses, determining the position (zone of critical, high, middle, low and minimum threat level) on the basis of two guidelines the possibility of threat initiation and opportunity for loss of the achieved economic security level.The evaluation is carried out in two blocks. The first period, the possibility of threat initiation is proposed to define with expert method using the point scale. The expert evaluation (obtained according to the survey conducted among managers and experts of the enterprises under study) makes it possible to divide threats of economic security into five groups according to the criterion of possibility and taking into consideration the peculiarities and retrospective data of an industrial enterprise activity.At the second stage on the basis of correlation-regressive analysis data, the position of the particular threats according to the criterion of level effect on the dynamics of enterprises economic security level has been defined. The possible threats to the economic security of an enterprise have been divided into the basic subsystems: technic-technological subsystem, resource subsystem, communication subsystem.It has been defined that the divergence of economic security depends not only on factors of influence but also on internal capability to counteract their influence. In general, the more open is the system for external influence, the quicker and with lower losses it will adapt to the surrounding changes.In the paper the system of economic security management has been considered as a special variety and relatively independent and local subsystem of enterprise management. The suggested conception of management for enterprises economic security system makes it possible to solve the problem of managerial processes perfection using some new universal formalized qualitative characteristics of the mentioned system: communicativeness, flexibility, stability and adaptability. In order to make the decision it is suggested using method of hierarchy analysis.It should be taken into account the base for priorities criterions identification of the regressive analysis results concerning influence of qualitative indicators of economic security on the net profit dynamics.The separate element of the designed system is the use of suggested methodological approach that makes it possible to increase the level of economic substantiation of decision-making in regard to the priority of an enterprise reaction concerning self-preservation, stabilization, formation of the competitive, innovative positions or a position of long-term potential provision within the scope of enterprises economic security management.Conclusions and directions of further researches. As a result it has been determined that the peculiarities of the formed systems of economic security provision for a specific enterprise cause their specific approaches to the determination of economic securitys rational level. Since, the consequences of local criterion hierarchy calculations illustrate the importance of a particular qualitative indicator for the economic security system concerning to a particular enterprise.
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Last modified: 2013-04-18 07:10:17