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Fighting the vulnerability of digitalization as a state objective of each country

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers «Social and Behavioral Sciences Series»; «Management and Administration Series» (psychological 053, economy 051, public administration 281). (Category «B») (Vol.15, No. 44)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 221-232

Keywords : digitalization; innovation society; cyberspace; cyber threats; cybersecurity;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This article analyzes the current problem caused by the transformational changes of the modern world in the era of digital globalization with the accelerated pace of digital technologies development. The author notes that these changes lead to a significant vulnerability of digitalization and highlights the need for information security and cybersecurity in the country. It is proved that in the process of high technology development cyberspace as a fundamentally new environment has emerged. It is formed from the social, technical, telecommunications, information, network and computer components. Cyberspace acts as both a subject and an object of influence. Modern successful geopolitics is impossible without stable dominance in cyberspace. Emphasis is placed on the fact that digitalization in modern environment is extremely vulnerable, as there is unauthorized access to computers, there are vulnerabilities or loopholes in the security system that allow the user (including an authorized, such as system administrator) to bypass the usual security measures and have access to a computer or computer system. It is noted that with the development of the information society, the heads of firms, organizations and government agencies must exercise effective approaches to the protection of digital infrastructure. The protection of this infrastructure must be the basis of a strategic asset and a priority of national security for such networks to be secure. So each company or the state as a whole should monitor the deterrence of these attacks against its own infrastructure and quickly restore and improve it after any damage caused. The importance of the analysis of modern cybercrime transformations is underlined. It requires the study of scenarios and prospects for the development of information society until 2030-2040as well as strategic analysis of development scenarios for Ukraine

Last modified: 2021-03-05 22:14:50