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The system of moral purification in Nasreddin Tusi's pedagogical heritage and its importance for high school students

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.16, No. 45)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 10-22

Keywords : Nasreddin Tusi's pedagogical heritage; system of moral purification; moral education; moral attributes; moral norms; development of thinking; personality development;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Considering the existence of a fair conscience as the main condition, great Azerbaijani thinker Nasraddin Tusi speaks about the importance of conscience in human perfection, happiness and good deeds. He tries to prove that moral purification is an art and that it is an art necessary for the family, the state and humanity. The pedagogical legacy of the great thinker Nasreddin Tusi contains very useful ideas, recommendations, advice and counsel for the training, education and upbringing of the younger generation – in short, very valuable didactic materials. The use of these recommendations and advice in the organization of educational work in the family and at school serves to educate the younger generation in the spirit of national and spiritual values, national traditions. The article discusses the role of the pedagogical heritage of the great thinker Nasreddin Tusi, who lived in the XIII century, who created the first system of moral education in the written literature, in the purification of moral education of university students. The article mentions the moral attributes, moral norms and components that are considered acceptable for the purification of the morals of university students. The article shows that respect for scientists, honesty, justice, zeal, respect for elders, love of family and homeland have a special place in the system of moral education and ensure the personal development of students. The article also reflects the possibilities and ways of using the works of Khaja Nasreddin Tusi «Nasirean Ethics», «Adabul-Mutallim» and «Ovsaful-Ashraf» in the educational process of universities. That is, the article shows the most effective ways to ensure the personal development of students, based on their competencies. Because the State Strategy for the Development of Education in Azerbaijan recommends that university teachers be closely involved in creating a new content of competency-based personality-oriented education. From this point of view, the article contains recommendations and advice on the creative approach of university teachers to the development and formation of students' level of personality, using the system of moral purification in the above-mentioned works of Nasreddin Tusi

Last modified: 2021-05-20 18:09:01