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Assessing the Role of Counseling in Adjustment Behavior Leading to Parole among Prisoners at Sodo Prison Institution

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.9, No. 7)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 1405-1409

Keywords : Counseling; Adjustment behavior; Parole; Prisoners and Prison institutions;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The present study examined the role of counseling in adjustment behavior leading to parole among prisoners at sodo prison institution. This researcher based on systematic sampling method, selected a total of 200 (male 125 Female 75) participants aged 18-42. Among this, 100 participants from parole received group with history of counseling service and 100 participants from parole denied with no history of counseling service. Furthermore, bell adjustment inventory, which is the dependent variable, was used to measure the adjustment level of both group in relation with home (family), emotion, social, and health component. Informed consent was taken to protect and respect the privacy of respondent at the time of data collection and pilot test was conducted on 25 participants. The validity co-efficient was found to be very high i. e. , 0.834. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16. The result of dependent t-test indicated that, after administration, participant engaged in counseling group showed statistically significant difference in the level of adjustment compared to non-counseling group ( home; t-value 17.512, P=0.001, social; t- value 3.262, P=0.001, health; t- value 28.326, P= 0.001 and emotion t- value 41.502, P=0.001). On the other hand the association between variables ( parole and counseling) was seen using chi- square ( 9.524), (P0.05). Therefore sodo prison institution needs to incorporate more prisoners in counseling program.

Last modified: 2021-06-28 17:09:23