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Optimization of Corridor Observation Method to Solve Environmental and Economic Dispatch Problem

Journal: International Journal of Computational Engineering Research(IJCER) (Vol.4, No. 11)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ;

Page : 01-08

Keywords : bi-objective; corridors observation; fuel cost; gas emission; new parameters; optimal Pareto front; optimization; original settings;

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This paper presents an optimization of corridor observation method (COM) which is an applicable optimization algorithm based on the evolutionary algorithm to solve an environmental and economic Dispatch (EED) problem. This problem is seen like a bi-objective optimization problem where fuel cost and gas emission are objectives. In this method, the optimal Pareto front is found using the concept of corridor observation and the best compromised solution is obtained by fuzzy logic. The optimization of this method consists to find best parameters (number of corridor, number of initial population and number of generation) which improve solution and reduce a computational time. The simulated results using power system with different numbers of generation units showed that the new parameters ameliorate the solution keep her stability and reduce considerably the CPU time (time is minimum divide by 4) comparatively at parameterization with originals parameter

Last modified: 2014-12-18 15:21:08