On The Unification of Classical Mechanics with Quantum Mechanics: Field-Particle Duality; Why Hawkings Radiation Does Exist
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.7, No. 8)Publication Date: 2018-08-05
Authors : Prasenjit Debnath;
Page : 99-101
Keywords : Light; Quantum Mechanics; Classical Mechanics; Black Holes; Hawkings Radiation;
What is light According to classical mechanics, light is an electromagnetic radiation only, in other words, electromagnetic field. According to the quantum mechanics, light is packets of energy called quanta, in other words, light is bombarding of massless particle called photons. At times, light behave like a field, the other time, light behaves like a particle. Another example of particle of dual nature is an electron. At times, electron behaves like a field (interference property) and the other time, electron behaves like a particle. The limitation is that electron or photon is allowed to be one only, either field or particle and at a time both are not allowed. Now, either classical mechanics is correct or quantum mechanics is correct and both are not correct at the same time. In this paper, we will find an analysis that is compatible with both classical mechanics and quantum mechanics. The analysis can be termed as unification of classical mechanics with quantum mechanics. We will also realize that why Hawkings radiation does exist to reduce the mass and size of a black hole.
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Last modified: 2021-06-28 19:31:15