Malnutrition in Children 0 - 5 Years Old
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.7, No. 10)Publication Date: 2018-10-05
Authors : Genti Xhelilaj;
Page : 156-157
Keywords : malnutrition; children 0-5 years old; WHO z~ score; education;
Malnutrition refers to deficiencies in quality and quantity in a children intake. The term malnutrition covers two broad groups of conditions. One is `undrenutrition` wich includes stunting (low height for age), wasting (low weight for height), underweight (low weight for age) and micronutrient deficiencies or insuficiencies (a lack of important vitamins and minerals). The other is overweight, obesity and diet-related non communicable diseases. Malnutrition affects children in every country and is still an evident problem, specially in children 0 5 years old. The aim of the study we are going to present below is to evidence the subtypes of malnutrition and the different problems we face every day in our clinical practice with the malnutried patients.
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Last modified: 2021-06-28 20:15:55