Human Resource Planning and Growth of Manufacturing Firms in Rwanda: A Case Study Bralirwa
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.7, No. 10)Publication Date: 2018-10-05
Authors : Clement Crispin Mutabazi; Patrick Mulyungi;
Page : 618-621
Keywords : Bralirwa; Rwanda;
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The main objective of this study is to determine challenges of Human resource planning on growth of manufacturing firms in Rwanda. The specific objectives of the study sought to assess the human resource predictive capacity in Bralirwa manufacturing company and how it affect organizational growth, to examine the rate of employee turnover in Bralirwa manufacturing company and how it affect organizational growth and to examine the link between human resource planning and strategic direction affect the growth in the organizations. The researcher adopted a case study research design whereby descriptive methods were used to obtain information. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. The population of the study included the employees of Bralirwa limited chosen based on the number all the 104 employees. The researcher collected primary data using questionnaires. Quantitative data was analyzed using statistical graphs, tables and charts. Correlations between associated variables were also done in order to determine the relationship between different variables. The findings indicated that, while seeking to determine how HR planning enables systematic process of recruitment of the right employees, HR planning enables the company to predict systematic process of recruitment of the right employees, ensures that there is a systematic expansion of the organization, enabling the organization to adopt to market changes, keeping track of employee turnover, recruit the right employees in the organization and finally, conduct HR planning and forecasting demand and preparing to meet them. While seeking to assess the effects of employee turnover on organizational growth, the study found that HR management practices can affect the employee turnover. It was also found that HR planning improves employee productivity, bringing transformation and changes in the organization and also provides HR infrastructures to support line managers. Finally, the researcher sought to ascertain the relationship between human resource planning and organizational growth in terms of reduction of costs, improvement of efficiency and effectives of employees as well as employee productivity. The study found that that there is a correlation between human resource planning and organizational growth as indicated in that HR planning facilitates strategic planning in the organization, improving employee contribution tailed, bringing transformation and change as well as providing HR infrastructures to support line managers. Similarly, the study shows that there is a positive correlation between HR planning in facilitating the reduction of costs in the sense that it improve employee contribution in the long run as well as providing HR infrastructures to support line managers. The human resource department should develop and implement a comprehensive career development training programme for the staff. This would make them proactive and resilient, and effectively propagate government policies. The human resource department should be structured to take its rightful place in the scheme of affair, so that they can educate the staff more on their practices and how they plan for the human resource practices like recruitment, promotion, evaluation among others. This would enable staff to have in-depth knowledge of the organisation. The department itself should have a human resource plans so that no matter the changes in management, the plans will still be followed. These plans should be periodically reviewed in order to adjust to the dynamic environment. This would overcome the issues of excess staff which leads to increase cost of labour and also constant changing of directors in the organisation.
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